Saturday, April 30, 2011

Today was better

We started the day off with a very early, "Mom, can I have cereal?" It wasn't even 8:00 A.M. yet and Puppy was dressed and ready to start his day. Me? I was ready for at least 2 more hours of sleep. But like most mothers know, you can't leave your child unsupervised for too long. So although I am still in bed, I am listening to every move Puppy makes. He gets a bowl, puts it on the counter, pours the cereal with several bits falling to the floor, pours the milk with a soft "oh, oh, an's okay," and then he walks it over to the table to eat.

Puppy made several visits to my bedside before I gave in to his pleas to let him go outdoors. So that meant I had to get out of bed. I fixed myself breakfast and we spent some time together. We flipped channels and then I asked Puppy if he would like to set up the pool today. We were expecting another over 100 degrees temperature. He got excited and quickly asked if his cousins could be invited. I made a few texts and then jumped in the shower--we had to get ready for company.

We made a quick trip to the grocery store to grab some hot dogs and the fixings, and punch. We set up the 9' x 4' inflatable swimming pool and put the water hose in it to get it started. Puppy was so excited he couldn't wait for his cousins to arrive. The pressure was too strong that he asked permission to get in the pool alone. He jumped right in and was about 30 minutes too early before guests were scheduled to join him. But Puppy is a big boy and enjoyed being able to stretch in the pool during his time alone.

His cousins arrived and I was pleased to hear so much laughter between them being had. I fixed their hot dogs with some chips and punch. They were ready to jump right back in to the water as quickly as they were done eating. Then we had a late arrival. My sister, Monica brought her son, Anthony to join the splash party. They were all having so much fun. Puppy asked to get out first since he was already feeling tired from spending almost 3 hours in the water. And then they followed one at a time as the shower became available.

It was a pretty good day for Puppy after the wallet incident the day before, and I was trying so hard to redirect him away from it. Spending time in the pool put stress on him because he was aware of the fact that the wallet was not on his person. But today was better, so much better.