Thursday, November 18, 2010

Letter to Santa

Santa Claus is coming to town!  When is it the right time to tell my son there is no Santa?  I know we don't even have the turkey in the fridge, but Christmas has become a topic in our home since last weekend.  My son's comprehension level is similar to that of a 4-5 year old child even thought he turned 12 y/o this year.  His intellectual disability is keeping him innocent from certain things in life, one of them being Santa Claus.

We go through the motions and rituals, the Christmas tree set-up; the lights go up as well, making the wish list and the secret gift buying. 

Up through last year the teachers at school were still using Santa Claus as a means to keep some order in their classrooms, and Puppy still believed because I saw no reason to break his heart then. But he's a big boy now.  This year Puppy started middle school, so I'm not sure how much time is spent involving the spirit of Christmas.  He started to ask for some items he has an interest in, and for the time being I suggested we take some time during the next weekend to write a letter to Santa.  I was really hoping to buy time to think this out a little further.

Should I have a talk with his teacher and get an idea of how they approach the subject?  I suppose I could follow their lead and see how it goes.  Are there any suggestions or opinions?  I’m listening.
